Denver Terrors will introduce you to a hidden side of the Mile-High-City, one you won’t find in the tourist brochures. Who would advertise their history of death, murder, and human pain and misery?
But these are the very themes of the Denver Terrors tour, from the Brown Palace Hotel, which teems with ghosts. To the love-stricken Madge Smiley Reynolds, who waits eternally for the sound of her lovers’ horse.
Denver has a quirky history, which is the common thread running through all our frightening stories of hauntings. Each story is set in a moment in time of Denver’s past and we aim to bring the past to life through death!
Join us for an hour-long standard tour where we will visit 8 fascinating locations around the Capitol Hill neighborhood. Or you could indulge your love of gruesome tales of the dead and add an extra 5 locations over another half mile to your tour of Denver’s true tales of terror.
While we were researching these stories, we came across several other stories that you could not reasonably include in a walking tour, much as we would have loved to share them with you in the actual places where the hauntings happened. Instead, they have been added to our blog of haunted locations in Colorado, we hope you enjoy them.
Without giving away all of our surprises, here are a few of the Capitol Hill locations we will see on our tour.
A social climber, Molly Brown, bettered her lot through marriage and worked hard to fit into Denver’s high society. She never quite made it though and was mocked mercilessly, her husband grew distant, and the couple divorced. She went on to lead a fascinating life, surviving the sinking of the Titanic, and eventually dying at another stop on our tour.
The neighborhood architecture befits the seat of power in Colorado, and yet even here, there are plenty of ghosts. The basement of the Denver Public Library even has its own ghost. Find out how it caused one security guard to quit their job.
This imposing building has modern ghost tales to share, and a gentle sway in even light winds that suddenly appeared after a tragic event that left four dead and a bank vault empty. Hear the full tale to decide for yourself if the vault is haunted.